Participant Registration:
All presenting participants are invited to submit
a one-page
abstract and an registration form (See Call
for Papers in detail).
Participants from overseas (China, Taiwan and Korea) are supposed to send a registration form
via e-mail to the corresponding
regional delegate.
Participants from Japan are supposed to send via e-mail to the Program Committee (yabec(atmark)
Other participants beyond the above
four regions may submit their papers directly to the Program Committee. The submission of registration form indicates that an applicant will join the meeting and pay the fees to the conference at registration.
Conference Fee:
Participant from
overseas (under 50 years old):
150 USD (Including two nights accommodations)
Participant from overseas (50 years old or more): 250 USD (Including two nights accommodations)
Participant from Japan: 40,000 JPY (Including two nights accommodations)
35,000 JPY (Including one night accommodations)
30,000 JPY (Including no accommodations)
Participant from Japan (Student):
35,000 JPY (Including two nights accommodations)
30,000 JPY (Including one night accommodations)
25,000 JPY (Including no accommodations)
The conference fee includes registration, social
program, a set of
proceedings, welcome reception (dinner) on Nov. 29th, and a lunch and
banquet on Nov. 30th. For the participants from overseas, two nights accommodations (Ginza Capital Hotel) on Nov. 29th and Nov.30th
are provided. For the participants from Japan, accommodations are also provided
at the price of 5,000 JPY for each night if indicated in the
registration form. Please submit the corresponding registration form.
Participant from
overseas are supposed to pay conference fee to the corresponding regional
delegate. Participants from Japan are supposed to pay conference fee to
Organizing Committee by bank transfer before October
31st, 2008.
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Deadline for participant registration is October
31st, 2008.
Download a registration
Participants from overseas 
from Japan 