YABEC 2012 was held in the University of Tokushima, Tokushima, on October
26th - 28th, 2012.
Thank you very much for your attendance.
See you next YABEC 2013 at Urumqi, Aug 7-9, 2013.

YABEC Awards in 2012
Tai Hyun PARK (Seoul National University)
Mikio NAKAJIMA (0machi.com)
Guanghui MA (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Yi-Ming SUN (Yuan Ze University)
Plaque of Appreciation
Tai Hyun PARK (Seoul National University)
Duk Jae OH (Sejong University)
Best Poster Presentation
Natarajan VELMURUGAN (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
"Evaluation of intracellular lipid bodies in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii stains by using flow cytometry"
Yu Na LEE (Gachon University)
"Enhancement of organic acid production from macro algae by pretreatments"
Rui TODOKORO (Tohoku University)
"LEGO design for multivalent antibodies expressed in
Akihiro SHIRAI (The University of Tokushima)
"The effects of
WFS1 over-expression on recombinant protein production in Chinese hamster ovary
Zhiguo SU (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
"Hemodynamic and hemorheological properties of modified konjac glucomannan
as a potential plasma substitute"
Lijing SUN (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
"MDCK-based influenza virus propagation in novel disposable bioreactors"
Hsing-Yi CHENG (Ming Chi University of Technology)
"Scale-up of lysozyme purification process from chicken egg white
by nanofiber ion exchange membrane"
Lilian Tsai-Wei LIN (National Taiwan University)
"Resveratrol's effect on ultraviolet C irradiation-triggered aggregation
of human ganma D-crystalline associated with cataract"
Welcome Address
- On behalf of the YABEC 2012 Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the Symposium of Young Asian Biochemical Engineers' Community (YABEC), which will be held in the University of Tokushima, Tokushima, on October 26th - 28th, 2012. Since the first YABEC symposium was held in Seoul in 1995, this is the 18th symposium and this symposium series has developed into a key academic event among young Asian Biochemical Engineers.
This symposium is 5th YABEC symposium in Japan and first symposium in local city. Tokushima city is located on eastside of Shikoku Island and delta area of Yoshino River. This YABEC 2012 is the second YABEC symposium which is held under the auspices of AFOB.
The YABEC symposium provides us with the opportunity to share not only academic information but also YABECians' Young Spirit. We are therefore proud to welcome you to this exciting symposium, and hope that you will contribute actively to make the symposium a success, both in terms of science/engineering and YABECian Spirit.

Takeshi Omasa
Chairman, Organizing Committee of YABEC 2012
Professor, The University of Tokushima
Guest Processor, Osaka University
- International Advisory Board (Regional delegate)
Regional Delegate (China)
Professor Haijia Su
Vice Dean of Academic Affairs
Beijing University of Chemical Technology
Regional Delegate (Korea)
Professor Jeong-Woo Choi
Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Interdisciplinary Program of Integrated Biotechnology
Sogang University
E-mail: jwchoi@sogang.ac.kr
Regional Delegate (Taiwan)
Professor Chien-Yen Chen
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
National Chung Cheng University
Email: chien-yen.chen@oriel.oxon.org
- YABEC 2012 Organizing Committee
Takeshi Omasa (The U of Tokushima/Osaka U)
Vice chair
Noriho Kamiya (Kyushu U)
Youichi Kumada (KIT)
Hiroyuki Imanaka (Okayama Univ)
Kazuaki Ninomiya (Kanazawa Univ)
Chiaki Ogino (Kobe Univ)
Kenji Okano (Osaka Univ)
Masayoshi Onitsuka (The Univ of Tokushima)
Shinji Sakai (Osaka Univ)
Chizuru Sasaki (The Univ of Tokushima)
Akihiro Shirai (The Univ of Tokushima)
Tsutomu Tanaka (Kobe Univ)
Masahiro Yasuda (Osaka Pref Univ)
Makoto Yoshimoto (Yamaguchi Univ)
- Supported by
Kato Memorial Bioscience Foundation
NOVARTIS Foundation (Japan) for the Promotion of Science
TOKUYAMA Science Foundation
Center for Frontier Research of Engineering, Institute of Technology and
Science, The University of Tokushima
The Society for Biotechnology, Japan
Division of Biochemical Engineering, The Society of Chemical Engineering,
Asian Federation of Biotechnology (AFOB)
- 2012/11/1
- Homepage update